Friday, July 18, 2008

Caviar and Condoms

July 18, 2008 - In 1984, Pope John Paul II created an annual
international celebration of youth, with what seems to be the goal of
bringing Catholicism to the young masses. World Youth Day is
actually a week. The bible says the world was created in 7 days. The
science seems to say this actually happened over thousands of years.
So, it seems like the church has had an issue with dates since
incorporation. World Youth Day (or week as it may be) is like one
great big church camp, attended by the Pope himself (now Pope Benedict

Imagine the future of the Catholic church when you can
hold a massive youth rally and preach the importance of abstinence.
Tens of thousands of teens with raging hormones, all staying in hotels
and camps, are learning about how birth control and abortion is against
God. The marketing here is BRILLIANT. What better way to increase the
numbers for future World Youth Day celebrations? Of course the
protesters are out attempting to hand out condoms to the youth as they
enter or exit the events, but they've been moved away from the event
location by the police who have been given extra powers during the
event. In fact, stores are not allowed to sell anti-Pope items of any
kind for the duration of World Youth Day. I wonder if you have to
visit the Wizard to get your hands on a box of condoms?

In the rest of the world, today is also Caviar Day.
Ah, tiny salty wee popping balls of delicacy that is best served with
champagne. Not all roe is caviar, and not all bubbly wine is
champagne. But get the right stuff, and it can turn a believer in to
even the most anti-caviar of folks. I wonder how the Pope feels about
caviar? Why do I get the feeling the guy probably dines on only the
finest of things? Of course blessed caviar isn't as much of an
aphrodisiac. Good thing too... cause the condom machine in the Vatican
only dispenses wet naps.

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