Saturday, July 26, 2008

Aunts, Uncles, and Dare Devils

July 26, 2008 - One's family is a great source of stories to tell at parties. After all, we are what we know. We know how crazy our family is... every family is crazy. But without them, we couldn't be who we are today. Today, I am a day older than yesterday, but I feel ten years younger, because I spent last night with friends both new to me and friends I thought were lost to me. We laughed and joked and told stories of then, and stories of now. What I have come to realise is, these stories - of friends and family - are who we are. My family has been a great source of stories. Not that they were funny people, but we were very close. I feel as close to my Aunts and Uncles as I do to my mom, my cousins...

So to my Aunts and Uncles, thank you. Today is Aunt's and Uncle's Day. I can tell you stories of ordering steak with Uncle Bill, of shopping with Auntie Issie, or taking my Ford Festiva up the hill with Auntie Heather. I can tell you of my Uncle Doug and all his one liners, but not many of those would be fit to print. My Aunts and Uncles were a big part of my childhood, and when I tell some of the stories now, a big part of my present. Though I must admit, the stories I tell at parties are usually embellished (after all, my family wasn't as crazy as some others).

It is also All or Nothing Day. I can't find an origin for this day, or how you are meant to celebrate it. I'm going to guess it should just be a day of extremes. Do you gamble? Bet the house. After today, you can live in cardboard. If you are a smoker, go ahead and smoke everything you can get your fingers around. Maybe tomorrow you will quit. If you are thinking of quitting... today could be your day. For today, there shall be no grey area. Things today are either very much so... or not so. All or Nothing Day is also known as Go For it Day. Is there anything you've been standing on the edge over? If so... jump. Today is the day.


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