Friday, August 1, 2008

World Wide Web of Lies?

August 1, 2008 - Before the Internet, there were libraries, and reference books, and the set of encyclopedias. Before the library, there was lore, and before lore, there were cave drawings. Imagine, if you wanted to look up the weight carrying capabilities of a sparrow in a windstorm, and all you could rely on was that set of leather bound books you bought from a guy at the door, and the library across town that will be open tomorrow from 1000 - 1800 hrs... I'm guessing you'd be hard pressed to find the answer. You are watching a movie on TV and there is an actor on the screen that you just can't place. They won't show the credits, and by tomorrow, you won't be able to remember the details enough to ask your movie buff friend who is currently working in Beijing.

Today is World Wide Web Day, and honestly, we couldn't live without it anymore. Today is all about instant gratification. It is about having a question, and finding the answer in mere seconds. I am so hooked on having my Web, that I can't remember the last time I so much as watched TV without keeping my computer at hand. There is always something to look up, check out, find or learn. Today, I learned that oxygen, as an element, was discovered today (for the third and last time). It was discovered independently by Joseph Priestley, Carl Wilhelm Scheele, and Antoine Lavoisier. Though they each discovered oxygen, it was more of a race to publish the findings. Priestley won that race. Does that make today Oxygen Day? Should we just spend the day breathing in and breathing out?

The other thing about the World Wide Web is its ability to turn all of us in to experts on some subject or another. I, for example, am now an expert in bizarre holidays and observances. In fact, Oxygen Day? I created it. Wikipedia? Could we live without it? Proof that if you do put a million monkeys in a room with the internet and a slew of information, eventually, you will create a far more inclusive, accurate, in depth encyclopedia than that slick door to door sales guy had to sell. Granted Wikipedia is a constant work in progress, but that is its simple beauty. It would be a pain in the butt if you had to change all those books in libraries around the world by hand.

Today is the first day of August. We are now nearing the bottom of the sixth inning of 2008, and the Fall is just around the corner. For this month, perhaps we should concentrate on the important things in life this month. August is Admit You're Happy Month, National Golf Month, Peach Month, and National Picnic Month to name just a few. This is important stuff. And after a round of golf, peach pie, and a picnic, who wouldn't be happy? (Well, me actually... after a round of golf, I'd rather skip the picnic for a pint at the club). There are some great days ahead of us. August is truly the heart of Summer. I bet you could look that up online and read about going out and enjoying yourself!

1 comment:

  1. I'm in.....Ready to admit I'm Happy.......Linds


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