Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzip. What's that smell?

Wahoo... It's Zipper Day!!! I thought this day would never come up. In 1913, on April 29th, Gideon Sunback of Hoboken, NJ patented the zipper, and the world hasn't dropped it's trousers since (except on those rare public occassions when dropping one's trousers is a good idea).

I envision one day having surgical zippers installed in my girls. As I get old, and they get thin and saggy, I'll turn them in to wallets of a kind. Let's call them breast pockets. (Could I patent that?)

There's a few other things we can celebrate today.. How about "National Hairball Awareness Day?" Ack. Cack.

National Teach your Children to Save Day. (Missed this one as a child).

Sense of Smell Day. What's that smell? Is that your zipper that's come down?

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